Your Path to Financial Freedom

Are you tired of being held back by a poor credit score? Do you dream of owning your dream home or driving a new car, but your credit history stands in the way? At Credit Viper, we understand the frustration that comes with bad credit, and we're here to help you reclaim your financial future.

  • Our success stories speak for themselves. We've helped countless individuals and families boost their credit scores and achieve their financial goals.
  • We understand that every credit situation differs. We develop customized strategies to address your specific needs and challenges.
  • Our credit professionals are well-versed in the intricacies of credit reporting, credit scoring models, and consumer rights. You can trust us to guide you through the process.
  • We believe in keeping you informed every step of the way. You'll receive regular updates on your progress and have access to our team for any questions.
5600 +
Satisfied clients
214,500 +
Negative Items Removed

Your journey to better credit begins with a single step. It's time to take control of your financial destiny and open doors to opportunities you deserve. Join the ranks of our satisfied clients who have turned their credit scores around and achieved financial freedom.


I love Credit Viper because of the honesty and truthfulness of the company. Not only did they tell me the truth they opened my eyes to how and why my credit impacted my overall financial stability. They made no false claims and even helped me to build my credit while I was waiting. I recommend Midas to all my friends and family and we all have had great results and will continue to use Midas now and in the future for all my credit repair needs.

Macy J.

I have known Darrell and Wes for about three years and I know them to be honest, transparent and hard-working. They do not make promises that they can’t keep or make representations that are untrue. I have referred friends to their company and they have done a great job in helping out with all types of financing. Their company can do things that you cannot do on your own when it comes to credit repair. I find the complaints on this site laughable and I know that there are two sides to every story.

Shane Baker

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis natus errorsit vo luptatem. Education is the passport to the future credit repair Education is the passport to the future for the tomor row belongs to those who pre pare for it today.

Nikoling Toli

Perspiciatis  to those who pre pare for it today. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis natus errorsit vo luptatem. Education is the passport to the future credit repair education is the passport to the future for the tomor row belongs.

Nicolas Puranix
Matrix Consulting

Have any Questions? Call us Today!

(888) 338-7025